Tuesday 7 September 2010


Coming to the blogoshere soon............................... 

Fantasy Bob's current witterings can be found on the pages of the Carlton Cricket Club website masquerading as match reports for the 4th XI but occasionally for the 3rd XI and the Sunday XI.   Fantasy Bob has been told that they have a growing following in the club and more widely.  He finds this hard to understand because the reports are generally a load of old rubbish but they do find links to cricket and cricketers in many unexpected areas of human activity.   A recognisable cast of homegrown characters appears in these reports as well as some of the great figures in history.

With the 2010 season drawing to a sad but - for Carlton at least - successful end, Fantasy Bob has been led to believe that there might be scope to present more widely his views of the world and the importance of cricket to civilisation.  After all, if the coming Ashes Tour doesn't bring something to witter about, then things have reached a very sad state. 

So postings will start soon.  I hope you enjoy.  If these pages don't occasionally amuse or divert then there will be no point at all.  Comments questions and responses will be more than welcome

Anything that you find on these pages will be Fantasy Bob's own opinions and imaginings - they will not represent the policy of Carlton Cricket Club.

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