Thursday, 2 July 2020

Angela Hewitt

Cricketers may or may not have heard of Angela Hewitt.  She is a Canadian pianist of hihest quality whose repetoire is focussed on Bach and Scarlatti.

She has brightened Fantasy Bob's days during lockdown by posting on Twitter recordings of her playing short pieces (Twitter videos are limited to just over 2 minutes).  The camera is placed at the end of the kwyboard and Angela's hand dominate the screen.  It is a view that is not available anywhere else.  Watching her hands move across the keyboard is a joy in itself.  

Unhappily for FB, and many of her fans, she stopped these recordings on 30 June.  100 up was enough for her.  FB rather feels the same - he has hoped his lockdown return to blogging has enlivened some readers during dull or difficult days of lockdown.  But, like Angela, he needs a bit of a rest.  So he won't be posting daily any more.  He may be back.  Who knows?

Angela Hewitt's wonderful playing continues to be available - search for her on Twitter @HewittJSB or on YouTube.

Fantasy Bob's Wittering will always be here.


Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Freedom of Movement

Under the watchful eye of the mandatory COVID Facilitator, and armed with his own ball in accordance with the regulations, Fantasy Bob was back in the nets again last night. 

It was like he'd never been away.  The middle of his bat remained wholly unblemished.  Meanwhile the edges had a prodigiously busy evening.  And there wasn't even an 11-year-old leg spinner in sight.  Just a few throw-downs.  'A bit rusty', his training partner kindly said.  'It'll take a couple of sessions for you to get it back.'  FB was grateful for the encouragement.  But it is hard to get back what you never had in the first place. 

FB returned home chastened but having greatly enjoyed himself.  Another outing is planned for later in the week.  It is unlikely that the middle of his bat will be troubled even then.  In fact it may go through the whole season undisturbed.

FB hopes that there won't be any leg spinners about.  He noticed that certain politicians are crowing in a nauseating fashion about ending freedom of movement.  If only that restriction applied to the deliveries pinged towards him by junior leg-spinners, which have altogether too much freedom of movement for FB's liking (or ability), FB might feel that progress is being made.  But this is not progress it is a huge step backwards - treading on the stumps in the process.   Always a disheartening dismissal.  The politicians have completely the wrong target and we are all poorer.