Thursday 16 April 2020


In a startling new initiative announced today the Government launched an imaginative scheme to show cricketers how much the nation has to thank them for all they have done in recent weeks.

All cricketers will be entitled to wear the badge shown above.  It is hand crafted from genuine plastic and is expected to become a collector's item.

A spokesperson said, 'This is the kind of initiative which shows just the kind of people we are.....' before drying up and leaving the scene of the announcement in haste.

Cricketers were unavailable for comment.  Most are still repairing living room windows shattered by enthusiastic but inappropriate indoor practice.

Fantasy Bob looks forward to receiving his badge and will wear it with pride.  But for his generation the word Badge is irrevocably associated with the 60s super-group Cream and the song composed by Eric Clapton and George Harrison.

It is not clear whether the Badge referred to was conferred for cricketing or for caring.  Or indeed for caring about cricket.

But it's still a great track - try it here.

1 comment:

  1. In the current circumstances Behind The Mask might be a more appropriate choice. Badge is a great track though
