Monday 18 May 2020

Bakewell Crisis

Fantasy Bob reads with concern that sales of Stilton cheese, to which he is more than partial, have plummeted as a consequence of the pandemic.

This is worrying news.  The decline is attributed to a collapse of export markets.  However, significant as this factor might be, it will be as nothing compared to the impacts elsewhere on the economy attributable to the prolonged absence of cricket teas.

That these impacts are devastating can be inferred from the fact that the Treasury is unable to release its analysis, so shocking will be figures be.   Government Ministers may have been silent but the impacts can clearly be seen. Sales of mini pork pies are on the floor.  Production of mini chocolate rolls has been suspended - rolling operatives have been furloughed in their droves.

But the biggest impact is undoubtedly going to be on Mr Kipling and most significantly his Cherry Bakewells.  FB has never seen Mr Kipling's Cherry Bakewells other than in a cricket tea.  They can have no useful purpose outside that environment.  But even so, their contribution to overall GDP is significant, probably on a par with the oil industry. 

It is time therefore that a proper assessment of the impacts is undertaken and shared with the British public.  The role of the cricket tea in the national economic recovery strategy must be set out.a matter of urgency.  This should be based on the creation a national stockpile of Cherry Bakewells which will be slowly released into the market when crickt teas resume.  Otherwise there is a risk of a glut and cricket teas could feature nothing but Cherry Bakewells.  Cricketers returning to action after a long enforced lay off deserve better treatment. 

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