Wednesday 27 May 2020


Fantasy Bob can reveal the science behind the cricket tea.

Compared to the world of physical training cricket is acronym light. There's LBW......and that's about it. But the gym aficionado has a whole alphabet soup at their disposal.   It seems unfair.

AMRAP EMOM, HIIT- it could be a greeting in an exotic langauge.  Those mellifluent sounds could bring to mind the waving palm trees, the whitle coral beaches or the limpid blue ocean. Instead to the congnoscenti it means nothing beyond pain, sweat and more sweat.

For those not in the know, AMRAP means as many rounds (or reps) as possible -  you do an exercise, or set of exercises, and keep doing it basically until you drop or until time is up. This acronym at least can translate to cricket - as many runs as possible is always a sensible exhortation. It should join the set of generally useless advice a batsman is given by his skipper, or teammates, as he makes his way to the middle - Don't Get Out, Get the Bat on the Ball, One Ball at a Time, AMRAP. Perfect.

EMOM is less easy to put into a cricketing context. It means Every Minute on the Minute - as it says, you do the same set of exercises every minute. You should finish a bit before the minute is up,which gives you a bit of rest before the next minute starts. You keep going for 10 minutes, 20 minutes - hours or days if you like. It would make absolutely no sense to add this to the list of exhortations to a new batsman.

HIIT means High Intensity Interval Training - short bursts of exercise with short rests in between - and it is the basis structure for many exercise programmes. There are some situations that are comparable in cricket - running a three for example, although the rest to exercise ratio may not be up to the personal trainer's requirements, despite what the batsman might think as he calls for resuscitation. But in cricketing terms, HIIT is readily understood.  Hit it into the Trees. In lower league cricket a batsman needs no encouragement to attempt this, no matter how much he lacks the technique actually to achieve it.

EPOC means excess post-exercise oxygen consumption also sometimes referred to as the exercise afterburn. Having AMRAP'd, EMOM'd or HIIT'd - or indeed bowled a spell up the hill against the wind, the body uses more oxygen than before exercise, so it burns more calories during our recovery from exercise than before exercise. 

This is why cricketers have tea. For the cricketer the correct acronym is more correctly EPCC - excess post-exercise cake consumption.

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