Sunday 10 January 2021


Those who have had the misfortune to observe Fantasy Bob at the crease might have noticed that the passing of the years has somewhat diminished his sense of adventure.  No longer the excited dart down the wicket, or the expansive swing of the willow.  Instead, the laboured forward prod or the cramped nurdle.  Of course, as the run of single figures in the score books over the years will attest, there is no difference in the end result from either method.  Just the manner of invoking the inevitable.

But his spirit of adventure is not wholly extinguished.  That impulse to dart down the wicket came to him again this week as he settled into his stance in the tea and coffee aisle of the super-market.  Before he knew it, and to the astonished gasp of the crowd, he was out of his crease to meet the ball on the half-volley.  Into his basket went a packet of Turmeric Chai.  Straight off the middle of the bat.

What on earth was he thinking?  Or as Mrs FB put it on his return home, 'What on earth were you thinking?'  It has to be acknowledged that when it comes to tea, Mrs FB does not venture beyond English Breakfast.  FB has a greater range of shots and has for many years enjoyed Chai of various sorts.  But Turmeric Chai?  This was adventure.  It was as if he'd played the reverse sweep.  

FB brewed himself a cup.

'How does it taste?' enquired Mrs FB, feigning interest.  

'A bit turmericky,' reported FB. 

Indeed it is and is a bit yellow in the cup.  But nonetheless pleasant enough.

However there is more to this turmericky taste than meets the eye (not that that makes any sense but habitual readers will get the point).  For FB's researches have revealed that this potion will deliver all manner of benefits.  An article in Medical News Today reviews a wide range of studies and reports that Turmeric Tea:  

  • Reduces arthritis symptoms 
  • Boosts immune function 
  • Helps reduce cardiovascular complications
  • Helps prevent and treat cancer 
  • Helps manage irritable bowel syndrome or IBS 
  • Prevents and treats Alzheimer’s 
  • Protects against liver damage, gallstones, and manages liver conditions 
  • Helps prevent and manage diabetes 
  • Helps treat and manage lung conditions

Not that FB is aware that he suffers from any of these conditions.  But this brew appears to be miracle stuff.  All these benefits.  Sadly however there appears to be one condition which it does not address.  Even Turmeric Chai cannot help FB's chronic deficiency against leg-spin bowling?


  1. There is no evidence that Earl Grey was any good at batting but his brew might be worth a shot. Garlic tea is another option, If FB is troubled by close fielders at the crease.

    1. Fond though he is of garlic, FB will pass on that option. Close fielders have enough to worry about when he is at the crease.
