Thursday 21 January 2021

Holiday News

Speaking on behalf of all lower league skippers Fantasy Bob welcomed the news that Scotland's National Clinical Director yesterday who has been reported as advising not to book a holiday this year.

FB said, 'This is a welcome development by the Government.   For too long holidays have made July a nightmare for us skippers.  Players disappear for weeks on end.  Selection becomes a nightmare.'

FB has long campaigned for Government intervention in particular advocating a one out - one in approach.  'No cricketer should be allowed to leave the country on holiday unless another cricketer enters and is available for play.   Now the Government say its regained has control of the borders, it is the least they can do.'

FB added, 'It is tragic that it has taken a global pandemic to make them act.  Let us just hope that there is something like a normal cricket season so we can see the positive impact of this policy switch.'


  1. Now that some of the gloomier medical experts are predicting that we may confined to our homes forever FB would be wise to relocate to a property suitable for indoor cricket. What price a 25 yard hallway?

    1. Would that allow his long run up?

    2. The corridor of uncertainty would be extra

    3. Only 2 things are reputedly certain in life - death and taxation
